This bingo card has a free space and 49 words: Slay Timmie's Pigeons, Picture of Ella Musk, telapote to every city, Find a Chest, pictures of sayu (chinju forest), GO FISHING, take pictures of all the the city status, do weekly quests, Jump off Cape Oath, Catch a BIG Fish, do a world quest, Random Event, Picture of diona (next to cat's tail tavern), Obtain a Dandelion Seed, Picture of Diluc (Dawn Winery), Picture of a Samachurl, Slay a Boar, pictures of ningguang (jade chamber), Obtain a Windwheel Aster, Picture of Barbara (on the church), Obtain a Crystal Fly Core, Go Fish Blasting, pictures of Xiangling (Wanmin restaurant), Find a Seelie, Slay Timmie's Pigeons, Picture of Ella Musk, Find the Unusual Hillichurl, Find a Chest, Slay Dvalin, Slay Adrius, Picture of Jean (in office), Slay a Ruin Guard, Jump off Cape Oath, Catch a BIG Fish, Obtain a Dandelion Seed, Random Event, Dailies, Picture of Venti (on statue), Slay Anemo Hypostasis, Picture of Diluc (Dawn Winery), Slay Electro Hypostasis, Slay a Boar, Obtain a Windwheel Aster, Picture of a Samachurl, Picture of Barbara (on the church), Obtain a Crystal Fly Core, Go Fish Blasting, Slay Eye of the Storm and Find a Seelie.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: Slay Timmie's Pigeons (2), Picture of Ella Musk (2), Find a Chest (2), Catch a BIG Fish (2), Obtain a Dandelion Seed (2), Picture of Diluc (Dawn Winery) (2), Picture of Barbara (on the church) (2), Obtain a Crystal Fly Core (2), Find a Seelie (2)
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