June 2022 Bingo

June 2022 Bingo Card

This bingo card has 50 words: Pet: Gain 500m pet experience, Endstone collector: reach the 5,000 endstone collection, Hard Worker: Obtain Any Tier 11 Minion., Fashionable: Wear 4 Unique Armor Sets., Strongman: Reach 200 Strength., Ender Pearl Collector: Reach 10,000 Ender Pearl Collection., Goblin's Treasure: Kill 20k Golden Goblins., Spider Queen: Summon Arachne., Skill Average: Reach a non-cosmetic Skill Average of 10., Ender Menace: Kill 10 Enderman in 8 seconds., Hot Trails: Obtain a Campfire Cultist Badge., Relic Researcher: Find 20 Relics in the Spider's Den., Cave Commodity: Gain 1M Heart of the Mountain Experience., Healthy: Reach 750 Health., Carrot Collector: Reach 10,000 Carrot Collection., Fairy Finder: Obtain 25 Fairy Souls., Minion Machine: Obtain 60 unique Minions., Sea Summoner: Reach 30% Sea Creature Chance., Skilled: Gain 150M Farming experience., Pet Hoarder: Obtain 3 unique Pets., Commission Master: Complete 8 Commissions in the Dwarven Mines or Crystal Hollows., Bedazzled: Equip 17 unique Accessories., Enchanter: Obtain level 5 in the Enchanting Skill., Experienced: Throw a Titanic Experience Bottle., KABOOM!: Blow up 15k Crypts in The Catacombs., Cactus Collector: Reach 5,000 Cactus Collection., Taking Flight: Consume a Magical Mushroom Soup., Slayer: Reach Level 4 for any Slayer boss., Agricultural Revolution: Harvest 2M crops., Hard Stone Collector: Reach 15,000 Hard Stone Collection., E=mc^2: Obtain a Mathematical Hoe Blueprint., Scavenger: Loot 50M Coins through the Scavenger Enchantment., Lapis Warrior: Wear a full set of Lapis Armor., Powder Collector: Collect 25,000 Mithril Powder., Enderman Slayer: Kill 250k Enderman., Eagle-Eyed: Complete a timed Target Practice., Obsidian Treasure: Unlock Obsidian Dungeon Chest., Dwarves Defender: Kill 25 Goblins during Goblin Raid in the Dwarven mines., Diversity: Unlock 40 Unique Collections., Poseidon: Summon 5k Sea Creatures., Diamond Collector: Reach 5,000 Diamond Collection., Potato Collector: Reach 25,000 Potato Collection., Obsidian Collector: Reach 4,000 Obsidian Collection., Multitasking: Craft a Cleaver., Lucky Looter: Loot 50k drops with a chance of 1% or lower., Titanic Reforger: Apply the Titanic reforge to an item., Ferocious: Reach 3 ⫽ Ferocity., Sightseer: Visit 7 different public islands., Glowstone Dust Collector: Reach 15,000 Glowstone Dust Collection. and Operation: Ore: Break 2M Ore Blocks..

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

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