Minecraft Bingo

Minecraft Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 167 words: Taking Invenotry, The Lie, Oooh Shiny, Time To Mine, Time To Strike, On a Rail, Feels Like Home, Bake Bread, Stone Age, Benchmaking, When Pigs Fly, Getting Wood, Delicious Fish, Sniper Duel, Wax on, Getting An Upgrade, DIAMONDS!, The Healing Power of Friendship, Hot Topic, Acquire Hardware, Cover Me In Debris, Monster Hunter, Time To Farm, Cow Tipper, Hot Tourist Destination, The Haggler, Beam Me Up, Master Trader, With Our Powers Combined!, Birthday Song, It Spreads, Sneak 100, Caves & Cliffs, Star Trader, Sound Of Music, Bullseye, Sticky Situation, Total Beelocaiton, Bee Our Guest, Time for Stew, Ive Got A Bad Feeling About This, Were Being Attacked, Disenchanted, Buy Low, Sell High, Kill the Beast, Plethora of Cats, Fruit of the Loom, Where Have You Been, Top of the World, Zoologist, Moskstraumen, 1 pickle, 2 pickle, sea pickle. 4, Do a Barrel Roll, Sleep With The Fishes, Castaway, Sail the 7 seas, Treasure Hunter, Cheating Death, Feeling ill, Let it Go, So I Got That Going For Me, You Need a Mint, Super Sonic, Great View From Up Here, The End, The End... Again..., The End?, The Beginning, Super Fuel, The Beaconator, Dry Spell, The Deep End, The Beginning?, Artificial Selection, Rabbit Season, Overpowered, Inception, Trampoline, Taste of Your Own Medicine, Stayin Frosty, Smelt Everything, Renewable Energy, Pot Planter, Overkill, Map Room, Local Brewery, Lion Hunter, Iron Belly, Into Fire, Freight Station, Dispense With This, Diamonds For You, Chestful of Cobblestone, Camouflage, Body Guard, Archer, MOAR Tools, Zombie Doctor, Free Diver, Me Gold, Echolocation, Saddle Up, Return to the Sender, Enchanter, Repopulation, Tie Dye Outfit, Alternative Fuel, Rainbow Collection, Have a Shearful Day, Passing the Time, Iron Man, Pork Chop, Whatever Floats Your Goat, Sound the Alarm, Its a sign, Librarian, Into the Nether, We need to go deeper, Leader of the PAck, Adventuring Time, Ahoy, Atlantis, Terrible Fortress, Those were the days, How did we get here, Furious Cocktail, Bukkit Bukkit, Wheb the Squad hops into Town, The Cutest predator, youve got a friend in me, a seedy place, parrots and the bats, Hired Help, Tactical Fishing, Best Friends Forever, Two By Two, Balanced Diet, serious dedication, wax off, is it a bird, is it a plane, is it a balloon, surge protector, light as a rabbit, country lode, take me home, sweet dreams, husbandry, hero of the village, arbalistic, whos the pillager now, 2 birds 1 arrow, throwaway Joke, post mortal, voluntary exile, very very frightening, whos cutting onions, subspace bubble, this boat has legs, war pigs, not quite 9 lives, spooky scare skeleton, bring home the beacon, uneasy alliance, withering heights, remote gateway, the city at the end of the game and the skys the limit.

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.