This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: Someone says 'connection', Hot tub, Helicopter ride, Fireworks, Contestant complains about wanting more time, Someone says 'journey', Someone says 'this process', COVID reference, One of the men cries, "Most dramatic season yet", A contestant is in love with both bachelorettes, Someone works out, Navy suit, "Can I steal you?", "I love that", Gabby cries, Rachel cries, High waters and loafers, Words are bleeped out, "Can we chat?", One of the bachelorettes wears a red dress, Someone gives a toast, Dramatic staring into the distance, Animal close-up shot, Singing/performance, Jump and hug, Someone talks about a personal tragedy, "Here/Not here for the right reasons" and "Thank you for sharing".
Bachelorette Bingo | Bach-O | Bachelorette Bingo | GRANT | Bachelorette Bingo
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