LGBT Agenda

LGBT Agenda Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 38 words: 2 femme 2 function, The matrix is about transness, Queercoded villains 4ever, The masc urge to be a model of healthy masculinity, I spy with my lil eye those two acrylics shorter than the rest, Nonbinary not as in I can do both, but as in I cant do either, Animal crossing, Repeat after me i do not need to move in with someone after the first date, Pickle girlies, Titty skittles, Theydies n gentlethems, MAKE SOME NOISE!!!!, Yearning!!!!, F Rainbow Capitalism, Big Top Energy (but actually a bottom), Got stuck in a binder minimum 2 times, I dated my ex’s ex, Cats….smdh, “Whats your moon and rising tho?”, Ran into at least 1 ex here, Wanted/wants to be a fictional character as a kid & now ur gay &/or trans, Been the object of a cis peron’s sexuality crisis, Iced coffee bisexual, Do I have a crush on you or do I want to be you?, Owns a lil dog & brings it everywhere, Gender euphoria!!, Is on grindr right now, Filled with love, rage, joy & grief, Fabulous femme, Knee High Socks with ur cute lil sundress, The matrix is about Transness (aka take the red pill), Fixated on Mulan as a kid, The femme urge to start a vigilante squad & seek justice, Tender butch, Titty Skittlez, Bad bitches with weak digestion & strong hearts, Big twink energy, Took an am I gay quiz (ya u might be…) and Took years to figure out my sexuality to then realize gender exists too.

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