This bingo card has a free space and 33 words: Someone uses non-office headphones (iphone, bose, etc), Someone unsuccessfully shares screen, Someone accidentally on off mute, Kids screaming in background, Pet shows up on screen, Someone talks while muted, More than ¼ cameras off, Minju uses reaction/emoji, Chat makes pop-culture reference, Someone has generic background, Wayne makes a joke, Someone obviously texting, 2+ people have the same background, Someone’s camera freezes, 2+ people talking at once, Someone is eating, 2+ people drink at the same time, Off-topic conversation in chat, Someone is in traditional work attire, Jabber ping is heard, Someone isn’t in their normal spot, Roshni laughs at something, Jaclyn asks Wayne a question, We go overtime, Someone turns off their cam more than 1x, Waterfall!!, Lizzy gives kudos to someone, “Thinking Man” pose, We hear Nena’s husband, Armin thanks whoever gives him the floor, PowerPoint is not shared in presentation mode, “Hi it’s Roz!” and Jacquie walks around her house.
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