This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: howlose, gm lobby then diamond lobby right after, drop more than 125 sr in stream, kill 3 and lose fight, doopieflux, instantly picks hog (:, 2 or more stream snipers in a game, "this game is___", teammate uses mic at the end of game after not talking, learning ball, shatter hits nothing, hook/hooked through object, !xqc, Rudi duo! ♥, back to back 2cp, hatecrimed, random rant, starvin marvin, leaver/thrower, claims to be a rein main, throws and blames chat, C9, chat falls asleep! (doopie picks orisa) and doopie mean to teammates :c.
DZUKILL'S STREAM BINGO | DBD Killer Challenge Bingo | TTV/UraniumOW offical bingo | B0x3d | Brad Pitt Bingo
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