This bingo card has a free space and 44 words: Find Someone Who was born in 1920'5. ____________, Find Someone who plays an instrument. ___________, Find someone who is left handed. ___________, Find Someone Who likes to Sing. ____________, Find someone who has a Pet. ___________, Find someone who has more than 5 children. ___________, Find Someone who was born in Arizona. _____________, Find Someone who was born in another country. ___________, Find Someone who was a Teacher. __________, Find someone who enjoys Cooking. ___________, Find someone who prefers Pepsi over Coke. ___________, Find someone who speaks another language. ____________, Find someone who can paint. __________, Find someone who was born in the same month as you. ___________, Find someone who is shorter than you. _____________, Find someone who has been on a cruise. ___________, Find someone who has green eyes. __________, Find someone who has lived in more than 3 states. ______________, Find someone who loves to play cards. ___________, Find someone who who have not met yet. ___________, Find someone who is an only Child. ___________, Find someone who does not like coffee. ___________, Find someone who has met a famous person. _____________, Find Someone whos favorite color is red. ___________, Find someone who is wearing a blue shirt. ____________, Find someone who has 2 siblings. ________, Find someone who has been to another country. _________, Find someone who is 14 years or older. _________, Find someone whose favorite color is blue. ________, Find someone who is an only child. _______, Find someone who was born in February. ________, Find someone who has been on an airplane. ___________, Find someone who enjoys playing video games. ________, Find someone who prefers Pepsi over Coke. ________, Find someone who speaks another language (not Spanish or English). __________, Find someone who can paint/draw. _________, Find someone who is wearing green. _________, Find someone who has brown eyes. ________, Find someone who has been at the British Council for more than 2 years. ________, Find someone who knows a TikTok dance. ____________, Find someone who likes football. _______, Find someone who has a dog. _________, Find someone who has watched the last Thor's movie. _________ and Find someone who is afraid of spiders. __________.
Find Someone Who | Find Someone Who | Find Someone Who | Find Someone Who | Find Someone Who
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.