Bloomfield REACH Bodywork Bingo

Bloomfield REACH Bodywork Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Receive sessions from two different specialists in one month, Calls a friend at the front desk and asks if they want to book FREE intro, Writes a Google review with photo, Provides us a video testimonial about experience at Reach, Shares and tags a Reach post to their IG story, Tags 5 friends on any social media post, Books an additional session within 1 billing cycle, Referred a friend who came as an intro, Comes to session in halloween spirit week of 10/31, Liked Reach Facebook page, Takes advantage of the Black Friday Sale, Names 6/12 Reach Zones, Knows a member from the Ann Arbor Location, Downloads Reach Bodywork App, Purchases a Reach T shirt or Trigger point ball, Followed Reach Instagram, Received forearm work during a session, Books a 90 minute session, Writes a Facebook review, Refers two friends who come for intro sessions, Shares with SC 3 ways REACH has improved overall wellness, Purchases a gift card, Learn a fun fact about a stretch coordinator and Helps Reach coordinate a demo at their workplace/ other event.

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

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