This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Treat a co-worker to coffee, Send in a meme that describes your personality*, Take a picture in the lab with something that starts with the letter F*, Clean your desk with oxivir, Take a photo of something at your desk*, Grab a coffee or tea from the 26th floor, Take a 10 minute break out on the 10th floor garden, Grab a piece of candy from the firehat. You must tell Becca a joke to receive the candy., Grab a co-worker and do one of the office stretches together (see Matt G's desk), Leave an encouraging note on a lab member's desk, Attend at least one meeting, Say hi to Kayla on your walk into the office, Match a co-worker to work and take a photo*, Anything but a water bottle at work (drink water out of something that's not a water bottle), Wear a fun pop of color to work, Wear fun socks to work, Sign a Card for a co-worker, Interact with a VIP, Help with a 6-Minute Walk Test, Eat lunch somewhere other than your desk, Do a cartwheel, Share your favorite Halloween costume ever, bonus for the team if you have a picture*, Learn something new about one of your Lab Olympics team members and Learn something new about someone NOT on your Lab Olympics team or project team.
2022 Lab Olympics | 2022 Lab Olympics | 2022 Lab Olympics | Epic | Centralia Development Day! - Maintenance
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.