This bingo card has 60 words: P2 Ticket, This is a priority ticket, Have you submitted your MyTE, Sorry I was on mute, Shift Allowance, Have you received Internet Claim Bill, Have you seen my mail, Got a package delivery, Watering the plants, Took a Nap during break, Issue is Escalated, Switched departments this year, Good at interviews, Bad at interviews, Hired an employee, Led a project, Planned a work party, Network Issues, Is my Screen Visible, Am I audible, Your Voice is breaking, Disconnect the VPN, Please turn on your camera, Please smile for the group photo, Prefers remote work, Prefers working in office, Has a snack stash, Drinks 3+ cups coffee a day, Has worked here 3+ years, Has worked in another industry, Has a work playlist, Has a favorite pen, Has a messy desk, Has 0 unread emails, Prefers working in the morning, Prefers working at night, Has worked here <1 year, Manager, This is their first job, Runs errands during lunch break, Buys coffee every morning, Buys lunch every day, Played prank on a coworker, Works out before work, Works out after work, Has taken kid to work, Has been employee of the month, Received a gift from a client, Mentioned by name in good review, Worked for a rival company, Mentor, Attends networking events, Part of a professional group, Organized a work outing, Going on vacation soon, Was promoted this year, Can we connect after sometime, Going out for personal work, Power Cut Will connect once it's back and Have you visited the office.
WFH BINGO!!! | WFH Bingo!!! | WFH BINGO!!! | WFH Bingo!!! | WFH Bingo!!!
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.