COVID experiences BINGO

COVID experiences BINGO Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Felt depressed, been a TEEN during COVID, binge-shopped for toilet paper, felt "over" COVID, learned a new skill/took up a new hobby, get *in trouble* for coughing/sneezing in public, got sick with COVID, Lost connections with peers/friends, felt angry at COVID for taking away opportunities, learned how to *effectively* wash hands, broke rules to try and do something "normal" during COVID, bought a pet, Felt anxious, stayed inside when you would have rather been outside, Spent a lot (too much?) time on screens, wasn't able to celebrate birthdays/events with friends and family, Got seriously sick with COVID, been forced to work from home + be an on-call parent for school, fell behind at school/work, felt like things are snowballing and there's no way out, had someone close to you die from COVID, had/have trouble sleeping, felt like everything was out of control and was scared of going outside sometimes.

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