This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: They let us out early, You have to wait ages to sign the attendance sheet, Your RA only has one copy of the attendance sheet (or one pen), They go over how to sign up for a checkout time for break, They put a PowerPoint up, They try to act like it isn’t too late for this, They run late, Lorielen mentions something specific we need to clean, ResLife has way too much energy for this, You’re bored, Someone says something meant to be funny that isn’t, You see someone on their phone, Someone comes in late, Someone sneezes or coughs, Someone goes over applications for off-campus housing, They go over applications to stay on campus over break, They go over the break cleaning list in detail, Your RA speaks, You’re tired, They talk about the temp your thermostat has to be set to, Someone in ResLife says something annoying, They tell us they’ll try to keep this quick, They tell you not to leave your car on campus over break, Someone’s phone goes off, They talk about safety, They play a “funny” video, You regret not skipping, Someone speaking just reads directly off the PowerPoint and They mention some kind of fine.
Dorm Meeting Bingo | Christmas Break Bingo | Holiday Break Bingo | Making Conversation | Training Bingo
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