RDPGO PI5 Day 3 Game 1

RDPGO PI5 Day 3 Game 1 Bingo Card

This bingo card has 6 images, a free space and 66 words: Overcommit, Plan Review, Capacity, Product, Uncommitted, but still delivered, Infrastructure, Commit, Impediments, Deploy, Code Freeze, Credit card Funding, QA Automation, EPI Support, Last Day, Dependency, Perf Testing, Ansible, Winter, Legacy, Iteration 6, Over Capacity, Functional, SmartBill, Service Upgrade, June Release, Shakeout, On call support, Black duck scan, Holiday, Compliance, Ceiling fan, Yikes, Glasses, person on camera drinks beverage, flabbergasted, Presenter wearing watch, Release train, Caesium, SOAP, Stuffed animal on camera, Branches, Carry over, Remediate, Sunday, Monsoon season, 107%, Cobalt, bamboozled, Sorry!  I lost my connection, Stapler on camera, Office space reference, VCR tape on camera, Floppy disc on camera, Takeaways, 93%, Confirmation, Critical, Kanban, Balloon on camera, Sunglasses on camera, Boomerang on camera, Power drill on camera, 117%, 2023, SVC and Adhoc.

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.