This bingo card has 56 words: Spawn, reach height limit, Die By Bees, Eat a potato, bread horse, kill the opponent, The opponent gets a crafting table (one timer), lose an item to curse of vanishing, bread chickens\, first to craft, kill a bat, die by anvil, enchant an item, mien obsidian with something thats not a diamond or netherite pick, tame a cat, make a cake, make a soul lantern, kill a piglin brute, breed hoglins, full set of leather armor, full set of gold armor, Full set of iron armor, Full set of iron tools, one piece of diamond armor, get a netherite scrap, eat sus stew, get a golden apple, find a mineshaft, write a book, kill a stray, breed sheep, starve to death/half a heart, ride a strider, break a diamond hoe, tame a wolf, full set of chainmail (if you dont do this your parents will die, send it to 69 other people), trade, get all types of wood, get a bottle of honey, drink water, tame a parrot, get an enchanted book by fishing, find / mine diamonds, shoot a ghasts fireball back at it, frame a slice of bread, enter the nether, breed cows, get a fire potion from a piglin, wear turtle shell, kill a polar bear (not irl uwu), smelt a gold sword, explode the opponent with a bed, find a village, use a name tag, ride a minecart and get emeralds.
Minecraft Bingo | Minecraft Lockout bad dont use | Minecraft Lockout Bingo | Minecraft Challenges | mine bingo craft
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