Dog Breeds

Dog Breeds Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 59 words: Yorkie, Mexican Hairless, Swiss Shepherd, Whippet, Westie, Corgi, Weimaraner, St. Bernard, Staffie, Spaniel, Husky, Shih Tzu, Shar Pei, Scottie, Schnauzer, Samoyed, Rottweiler, Ridgeback, Labrador, Golden Retriever, Pug, Poodle, Pomeranian, Pointer, Pekingese, Papillon, Newfoundland, MinPin, Maltese, Lowchen, Lhasa Apso, Leonberger, Lagotto Romagnolo, Spitz, Shiba Inu, Akita, Jack Russell, Greyhound, Irish Wolfhound, Vizsla, Griffon, Great Dane, German Shepherd, Bulldog, Dogue de Bordeaux, Doberman, Dalmation, Dachshund, Collie, Chow Chow, Chihuahua, Bull Terrier, Boxer, Boston terrier, Bloodhound, Bernese Mountain dog, Malinois, Basset and Beagle.

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