Kylie's Bingo Definitions

Kylie's Bingo Definitions Bingo Card

This bingo card has 25 words: ambitious: when you have a strong desire, memorized: when you learn something by heart, satisfaction: is feeling of please when you accomplish something, shuddered: to shake or tremble of fear or cold, free verse: poems that do not rhyme, narrative: a poem that tells a story, repetition: repeating words, phrases, or lines in a poem, rhyme: lines that ends with the same vowel sound, theme: the big idea or message, folk tales: a traditional story, stanzas: paragraphs in poems, poetry: a style of writing that uses a formal, FREE!, rhythm: a poem that has rhyming words at the end of certain lines, homograph: spelled the same, sound different, preposition: a word that shows how one word in a sentence that relates to another, prepositional phrases: the first word is always the preposition with groups, behavior: ways of behaving or acting, flurry: sudden movements at once, plural noun: relating more than on person, place, or thing, singular noun: relating to one person, place, or thing, run-on sentence: two sentences put together, homophone: same sound different spelling, conjunction: a word that joins together sentences and correlating conjunction: a conjunction that pairs up with other words to connect elements in a sentence.

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poetry | Parts of Speech | Elements of Poetry | October: Grammar Terms | Elements of Poetry Bingo

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