2022 BOTY Bingo

2022 BOTY Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 50 words: 80% PRH titles, exactly one poetry collection, largehearted boy's list of lists, another celebrity memoir, mediocre bestseller included bc of sales, ctrl+f [your title]: "results not found" (FREE), increasingly specific subcategories, angry tweets about BOTY lists, happy tweets about BOTY lists, "you've reached your monthly article limit", "a tumultuous year in publishing", "best of the year lists DON'T matter", "best of the year lists DO matter", the same 5 books top every list, "cancelled" author still makes the cut, no mention of international literature beyond annie ernaux, already stressed about 2023 most anticipated lists, amazon links, "timely" political nonfiction, not sure if the guardian counts for US media, books you will buy but never read, ads that take up 90% of the page, US publications using the UK cover, short story collections don't exist apparently, "best books of the year (according to amazon)", surprising debut that actually deserves the praise, 80% PRH titles, exactly one poetry or short story collection, largehearted boy's list of lists, another celebrity memoir, mediocre bestseller included bc of sales, ctrl+f [your title]: "results not found" (FREE), increasingly specific subcategories, angry tweets about BOTY lists, happy tweets about BOTY lists, "you've reached your monthly article limit", "a tumultuous year in publishing", no mention of the HCP strike, the same 5 books top every list, "cancelled" author still makes the cut, no mention of international literature beyond annie ernaux, already stressed about 2023 most anticipated lists, amazon links, "timely" political nonfiction, not sure if the guardian counts for US media, books you will buy but never read, ads that take up 90% of the page, US publications using the UK cover, "best books of the year (according to amazon)" and surprising debut that actually deserves the praise.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: 80% PRH titles (2), largehearted boy's list of lists (2), another celebrity memoir (2), mediocre bestseller included bc of sales (2), ctrl+f [your title]: "results not found" (FREE) (2), increasingly specific subcategories (2), angry tweets about BOTY lists (2), happy tweets about BOTY lists (2), "you've reached your monthly article limit" (2), "a tumultuous year in publishing" (2), the same 5 books top every list (2), "cancelled" author still makes the cut (2), no mention of international literature beyond annie ernaux (2), already stressed about 2023 most anticipated lists (2), amazon links (2), "timely" political nonfiction (2), not sure if the guardian counts for US media (2), books you will buy but never read (2), ads that take up 90% of the page (2), US publications using the UK cover (2), "best books of the year (according to amazon)" (2), surprising debut that actually deserves the praise (2)

More like this:

Best Books of the Year | Best Books of the Year | 2022 BOTY Lists | 2022 BOTY Lists | Bear Book Bingo

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