2023 Predictions: Friends addition

2023 Predictions: Friends addition Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Tessa and Tyler break up, Kale will get a new partner, Velicity moves out, Velicity starts an only fans, Zarren gets a new gf, Ethan quits Mcdonalds, Someone changes lables, Velicity quit/gets fired from her job, Mia dies, Someone travels out of the country, Someone gets an AWFUL haircut, Someone fails a post secondary class, Someone's family member gets diagnosed with cancer, Velicity gets at least 2 partners, Velicity gets preggers, Connor comes back to work at McDonalds during the summer, Someone grandma dies, Someone commits a crime, Devin and Ethan break up, Someone has a one night stand, Fynn falls HARD for someone, Someone drops out of post secondary, New mcfriend and Someone asks out cristina.

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