Annoying Bingo

Annoying Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Jokes about stealing when phone alarm goes off, Wants to upgrade/add line, but has past due balance, Doesn’t know their own phone number, Interaction benefit from Facebook customer service chat, “What about my info on my SIM card?”, Older person comes in for something simple, Gives home phone to look up wireless account, Wants their insurance replacement in store, Says SD card instead of SIM card, Messenger Home, Wants 512GB, doesn’t need it, “I’ve been with AT&T for X years/since Cingular”, Android-based phone won’t text, You have to log onto the prepaid website, Went to Walmart/Sam’s, needs you to fix it, Doesn’t know two-step verification phone number, You have to text Apple Support, Not authorized user, Johnstown being shady, Doesn’t understand how trade-in/bill credits work, Thinks phone is broken because they have numbers blocked, Thinks Apple is too expensive, buys an S2X Ultra, Thinks they have been hacked/have a virus and No sale but needs you to ToBR.

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