This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Amani and Mia break up, someone has a dramatic change in style, 2023 is awful, One of us loses our phone, One of us sees a celebrity irl, Samantha gets a tattoo, Genshin Impact gets into a controversy, we all watch Mario movie, one of us fails a class, Kanye goes to jail, We go multiple different places, One of us starts driving, someone in the group gets arrested, One of us goes to Vegas, new game comes out we all get addicted to, Devin gets a boyfriend, we get put into the same period, new principal, Somebody gets added to the GC, one of us breaks something while at someone's house, one of us gets a new pet, Someone gets a pregnancy scare, celebrity is outed as a pedophile and Mason comes to Palmdale.
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