This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Crochet the yellow cardigan, Car Camping trip, Finish 6 books, Have a clip every day for 1 second a day, Have less than 1000 in car loans, Have 12 month emergency fund, Sew a dress, Make the queen size blanket, Run a 5K, Closet purge, Finish red maxi skirt, Journal once a week, Complete Lego flowers, Tailor Austin’s shorts, Do a monthly mending session, Go rock climbing, Finish Clara Valac Cosplay, Deep clean the dryer, Hang up the posters on the wall, Reorganize my personal documents, Get new glasses and eye prescription, Start drinking water first thing in the morning, Get small weights and Unpack all the boxes in garage.
Battle Pass Bingo | May Monthly Bingo | 2024 bingo | Aspen Bingo | Titans BINGO Card
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