This bingo card has 24 images, a free space and 24 words: presenter uses "umm" or "like" three times in the span of 5 min, someone (or you) make(s) a horrible dad joke, break the ice game does not break the ice, you ask someone to make an autograph out using your name, someone pauses for applause but no one realizes it at first, so we get in a awkward clap, someone (audibly or visibly) falls asleep, at least 2 speakers say "we engage and inspire through...", We get broken up into groups with other depts., You ask yourself am I working for a Non-profit?, You wonder if its a full moon or if mercury is in retrograde (feel free to remove this i thought it was funnylol -sam), someone makes awkward small talk by asking about ticket sales, someone tries purchasing parking passes, No one from your group wants to share their thoughts out loud, You make eye contact with another member of the BO, presenter says something out of touch and/or cringey, Refers to all employees as "family" or "part of the team", Mic malfunction/ feedback/any tech setbacks, Presenter uses "you or 'ya' know" as a filler phrase, Someone spills food or a bevarage during breakfast or lunch, There is a slide with a word cloud of "values", "organizational transformation" is used at least 5 times, Suddenly, this retreat starts to feel a little "culty", Someone you have worked with several times clearly does not know who you are and someone seems a little TOO enthused with Keynote Speaker's speech.
Box Office Staff Retreat BINGO! | Feb. 17th PD | Presentation Skills Bingo | Hicks Bingo | Hicks Bingo
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.