Bombers Bar Fleet

Bombers Bar Fleet Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 33 words: Load Rage, Stage, coms, Load faction, Warp Out, Drop on a rorqual, Kill a rorqual, Dropped on by Capital, Drop on a Capital, Rollers to Station, Roller rolled out, Sound of beer opening, Sound of frantic typeing, How do I get to 745, Focus Void Bombs, some one launches a damage bomb, Bombers for sale in Widows Tavern, hype down, someone decloaks blackops, FC talks about his dick, Dick Joke, Bad dad joke, Some one other than you baits a bingo card answer, Sound of beer opening, Super thick accent, Pizza Talk, Some one talks about the good ole days, Align out, need more rollers, Get out of bubble, Drop on Marauder, Drop on Orca and New Sig in 745.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: Sound of beer opening (2)

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