This bingo card has a free space and 34 words: Perspex heels, Maya looks breathtaking, Man talks about loving his mum in a way that suggests he thinks that makes him extraordinary, House of CB dress, Famous relative, Scary teeth, Someone looks cold, Ian Stirling mentions his wife not being there, Weird opening sequence, Someone hates who they’re coupled up with, INFLUENCER, Horribly short trousers on a man, Someone barely over 25 acts like they’re nearly dead, Surprising occupation, Their type is a list of physical features, “I’ve never had a proper boyfriend/girlfriend”, “I’m a dancer”, a twist!!!, Plastic Prosecco glasses, Posh one, “That’s a bit of me”, Weird cover of an existing song, Dumb one, Hair stuck in lipgloss, That song that goes “I came here for love”, Everyone jumps in the pool, Intimate fire pit chat, Outdoor gym moment, Slow mo dancing in intro segment, Two girls with long hair bond immediately, Misogyny, Man does that weird hand rubbing thing, Obscenely low cut shirt (on a man) and Cheeky kiss?!.
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