This bingo card has 25 words: Draw a new cover for a book you like, Read in a special place, Read a recipe to cook or bake, Read a poem, Find 10 things that begin with the letter S, Make a card for someone you care about, Go for a walk and count all the words you see (for example, street signs, store names), Write an email to a family member, Visit the your Public Library, Listen to an audiobook or a story online, Read a story to a pet or stuffed toy, Read about a country you would like to visit, Talk to your friends about a special memory, Write a poem, Play a board game together, Tell jokes or riddles with someone special, Read with a friend, Help write a shopping list, Read a graphic novel, Draw a picture and write a story about it, Read a book or instructions online to make art or a craft, Create a comic strip, Read a story as a group, Play a game like "I Spy" or "20 Questions" and Send a message to a relative.
Literacy Week Bingo -To celebrate family literacy day, please do some fun literacy activities with your kids. If you circle or check off 5 in a row, Bring the Bingo sheet back to the school with your name and grade for a chance at a prize in our draw! | Literacy Week Bingo -To celebrate Family Literacy Day, please do some fun literacy activities with your kids. If you circle or check off 5 in a row, Bring the Bingo sheet back to the school with your name and grade for a chance at a prize in our draw! | Literacy Week Bingo -To celebrate family literacy day, please do some fun literacy activities with your kids. If you circle or check off 5 in a row, Bring the Bingo sheet back to the school with the name and grade for a chance at a prize in our draw! | Literacy Week Bingo - Family Edition -To celebrate family literacy day, please do some fun literacy activities with your kids. If you circle or check off 5 in a row, Bring the Bingo sheet back to the school with the name and grade. We will be doing d | Literacy Week Bingo - Family Edition
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Learn how to conduct a bingo game.
With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.