This bingo card has a free space and 100 words: easily goes off-track, ennea 4, big 5 RxUAI, temp melan-phleg, individualistic, feels deeply, empathetic, clumsy, prefers the indoors, constantly daydreaming, cares for plants, awkward, poor time management, procrastinator, reserved, internally intense, modest, perpetual overthinker, a little random, goes with the flow, searching for identity, writer or poet, overly passive, creative or artistic, determined, forgets physical needs, nostalgic, stands up for the underdog, disorganized, passionate, cares a lot, idealistic, loves aesthetics, dresses for comfort, follows their heart, opposes unfairness, introspective, self-aware, genuine, gentle, honest, true to themselves, falls in love easily, independent, indecisive, sympathizes with similar experiences, understanding, puts themselves into others’ shoes, sensitive to negativity, anxious, reactive, perfectionist, hard on themselves, understands their self-worth, music lover, night owl, sees potential in everything, a few very close friends, loyal, strong moral compass, harsh when stressed, reclusive, isolates themselves when tired, has, or wants, lots of pets, feels out-of-place, lost in life, looks for true purpose, cold/seems cut-off, unaware of reality, homebody, cautious, easily saddened, strong-hearted, a little oblivious, keeps emotions to self, low pain tolerance, respectful, sticks to their values, explores possibilities, likes philosophy, late-night thoughts, has an inner fire, open-minded, private, seems extroverted w close friends, goes on tangents, values deep connections, easily overwhelmed, drawn to the mystical, critical, strong emotions, starts a lot, finishes none, dislikes limitation, talks to themselves, conflict-avoidant, romanticizes everything, strange niche interests, kind but firm, withdrawn but craves connection and feels contradictory.
kanna kinnie bingo | AKI KINNIE BINGO | katemaster bingo | Attachment Style Bingo | Aoi (tbhk) kinnie bingo
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