This bingo card has 108 words: loyalty badge, win new zealand cup, cute monster, cool monster, weird monster, scary monster, small monster, big monster, use a fire turbo, use an electric turbo, use a poison turbo, use a light turbo, use an evil turbo, use a typeless turbo, use a quadrupedal monster, use a bipedal monster, use 3 different monsters, teleport turbo, use 3 different turbos, check for your alter-ego in star city, race against a monster of the same species, level up a monster other than your starter, have a monster other than your starter learn a skill, turbo level 2, phoechik brace, beat geng in guilin, bamboozil vest, pink monster orb, deliver 5 star crystals, snorpork, show a zaal to geng, scullking, poko, sqwurm, humblebug, skreech, monark, sleeke, wispagrif, magmare, pyrefox, dinkum, jabberoo, paraduks, rakta, bandicute, steamu, roktops, bamboozil, magmare, goya, sleeke, vanitail, wispagrif, beat an optional racer, grass skill, fire skill, water skill, sand skill, use yellow gumdrop, monster with star skill, warp ladder, beat 5 optional racers, own 15 monsters, 3 different equip items, 3 different monsters that start with the same letter, 3 different monsters with same terrain skill, 3 of the same monster, beat all racers in ayer's rock, beat all racers in star caves, any claw, any belt, any brace, any vest, power belt, headband, super band, ocarina, power glove, 2 green monster orbs, dark blue monster orb, red monster orb, yellow monster orb, sledgehammer, win native cup, save everyone in the rainforest, recover your 1000 uni in fuji, win oceania gp, win asia gp, change a monster's color, open 2 chests, open 4 chests, open 6 chests, level 15, level 20, hang time skill, 60mph, release starter at level 6, re-energize at racer's union, buy a cracker and a rope ladder pre star plains, exotic monster, see 10 different species, see 16 different species, see 20 different species, use a total of 5 orbs on a monster, equip an item, light blue orb and breed a monster.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: sleeke (2), wispagrif (2), magmare (2)
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about 33 items before someone wins. There's a 0.33% chance that a lucky player would win after calling 13 items. Typically, 1 player will win at a time.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.