This bingo card has 24 words: Someone blows a kiss to the camera, Synchronised dance routine, Excessive use of wind machine, Key change in a song, Audience member with flag face paint, Mid-song costume change, Someone sings out of tune, Singer wearing a hat, The hosts change outfits, There are some technical difficulties, A song about love, Obvious fake instrument playing, Fake rain on stage, Sequinned outfit, Singer winks at the camera, Use of props during a performance, Singer is lifted by background dancers, Contestant performs song in own language, Fireworks/ pyrotechnics, Dry ice appears on stage, Ballard, A performer says ‘Thank you Europe’, A presenter’s joke bombs and A presenter sings.
Eurovision Bingo 2023 | EUROVISION BINGO! | Eurovision 2020 | EUROVISION | EUROVISION
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