This bingo card has a free space and 45 words: Talking animals, Woof, >4 Celebrities, Brand collab, Scannable QR, AI Reference, Animated, Mild greenwashing, Musical ad, Political reference, Vroom Vroom Das Auto, COVID reference, Crypto/NFT reference, Risqué, Song/movie parody, Big football player tackles someone small, Babies/kids in focus, An ad that is really meta, Wait was that kinda sexist???, Ad making fun of ad tropes, “tHe BiG gAmE”, Reference to Gen-Z or Millennials, Tearjerker, Literally a Movie trailer, Patriotic theme, TikToker, American History, Ancient history or mythology, TV Show Themed, Repeat Celebrity Appearance, Action scene, Training montage, Portfolio in 1 Ad, Sci-Fi Theme, “Life is Hard”, Apocalyptic theme, Superheroes and Villains, Unlikely Celebrity Pair (like Snoop and Martha, Lil Wayne and Jeff Goldblum), “What’s this even advertising?”, Halftime Show Reference, Tax Time, Very Serious Ad, Bottomless Drinks, Nostalgic AF and Love is in the Air.
Superbowl Ad Bingo | Super Bowl Bingo! | Super Bowl LIX | Super Bowl Ad Bingo 2025 | Super Bowl Ad Bingo
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