Nintendo Direct 2/8/2023

Nintendo Direct 2/8/2023 Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Fire Emblem Engage DLC, Mario Kart 8 Booster Pass Reminder, Xenoblade Chronicle 3 DLC, A New Kirby Spin-Off, New Mario Title, Mario Movie Trailer, "Demo Available Today", Remake of an Old Game, High-Profile Port, Niche Japanese RPG is Ported, Breath of the Wild Tears of the Kingdom Trailer, Just Dance, Rain Code, Bundled Set of Games, Advanced Wars (Please...), Fortnite, Splatoon 3 DLC or Splatfest, Nintendo Switch Sports Update, Metroid, Pokemon SV DLC, Anime Game, Farming, Pikmin 4 and Racing Game.

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