This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Have a female role model, Have a daughter/sister, Have a female people/project lead, Gave meaningful compliment to a female colleague, Have a working mother, Help in household chores, Travelled in a vehicle having female driver/pilot/sailor, Watched a female centric movie/series recently, Granny is my best friend, A female techie is in charge of the house, Heard someone saying “She won’t be able to manage it”, “I am proud of her” moment, Knows the name of a famous female football player, Write long emotional post for women on social media, Celebrates all amazing women in my life, Meaningful moment with female elder, Experienced self-doubt, Politically active, An avid sports person, Met a female delivery partner, A Marathon Runner, Plays an instrument, Pursue passion against all odds and Went on an Adventurous trip.
Misogyny Bingo | Misogyny Bingo | Misogyny Bingo | Vision and Mission | Female Character Depth
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
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