Space exploration

Space exploration Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 30 words: another name for the Sun, How old the sun is, What makes the sun a Population 1 star, Define Terrestrial, terrestrial planets, another name for Jovian planets, How many jovian planets we have, what are the name of the jovian planets, Name the Planets in order, four inner planets, planet is closest to the sun, planet that has a thick atmosphere which traps heat, third planet in our solar system, planet that has two small irregular moons, largest volcano in our solar system, the god of war, planet that has more than 75 moons, only planet that has a density less than water, Saturn’s largest moon and is larger than Mercury, one of the ‘ice giants’, Its position was calculated mathematically, Neptunes largest moon that has a retrograde orbit, disc orbiting an astronomical object, that is composed of solid material such as dust and moonlets, planet is in its own orbit around the sun, planet that has the largest volume in the dwarf planet, Planet that has 2 moons?, planet considered an asteroid, “One moon”, moon of neptune has not been giving a name and planet is made of frozen nitrogen and methane.

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