This bingo card has a free space and 28 words: Miller Gardening Event, Career Day 1, Send BGSG a picture of a successful or failed experiment, Community Service Event, BGSG Town Hall, Send BGSG a picture of you in Lab, Send BGSG a picture of a (not for lab) book you're reading, BGSG End of Year Beach Day, April Coffee and Donuts, Answer this survey:, Send us a picture of you at a past conference, March Coffee and Donuts, Treat yourself: Buy lunch at the Farmer's Market, BGSG Senate Meeting, Send BGSG a picture of a successful or failed experiment, BGSG Senate Meeting, Have lunch with another graduate student, Career Development Event (Not Career Day), Diversity and Inclusion/ODICE Event, Career Day 2, Participate in a Mock QE, Miller Gardening Event 2, Send BGSG a picture of yourself in UM swag, May Coffee and Donuts, Attend Miller Garden Earth Day Event, Attend the Fifth Annual Graduate + Postdoctoral Research Symposium, Attend the Dr. Eckhard Podack Memorial Lecture and Send BGSG a picture of your workout.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: BGSG Senate Meeting (2)
College Resource Bingo | CR Fall 2022 Welcome Bingo | MIL BINGO | MIL BINGO | Piano Practice Bingo
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