This bingo card has 35 words: Wear jeans on a non-jean day, Take a selfie w/ Ries w/out him noticing, Take a mint from Moorer’s office., Send the mint w/ a kid to Jimenez’s room, Student asked for a pencil, 3 students ask you to take them off of VIP on the way to lunch, Eat lunch in the teacher work room, Hi-5 Utz, Your room is WAY too cold, Tell Ries a dad joke, Get a call from Minyan to send a kid to the office, Your room is WAY too hot, "Nothing is Free" Space - spent money on something for classroom, Take a selfie in Lowden’s office, Make a coffee run 4 work bestie, Smelled something funky in your classroom, Get an email from Deb to submit your attendance, Go to HH Friday, You hear “Living the Dream”, Get Dave Edwards to say “What!?”, The copier is broken, Lost your classroom keys, Called student by wrong name, Spill coffee on your shirt, Sign up for the salsa (food) competition, Didn’t do work at home, Involuntarily spot sub, Used dry shampoo this week, Heard or saw the word “equity”, Sing with the morning announcement song, No spot subs needed for the day, A student asks how many days until Summer, Another staff member asks how many days until Summer, Left your school ID at home and Witnessed a hallway collision.
State Testing BINGO | Campus Quest | SE Department Meeting | Teachers are Human Too BINGO | Hillel Bingo
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about 12 items before someone wins. There's a 0.33% chance that a lucky player would win after calling 6 items. Typically, 1 to 2 players will win at the same time.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.