EVT Bingo

EVT Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 51 words: Chris says something mean about himself, Colin says Dietra is bullying Ian, Camille tsk tsks us, Camille says glean, Camille loud whistle, Andrew talks about sailboats, Andrew says onomatopoeia's, Matthew talks about chat GPT, Ian forgot his charger, Ian corrects teacher, Ian gets corrected and goes quiet, Jay touches someone's head, Bernardes has a new business idea, Lisa is late, Chris says "that's a good question", Andrew finishes a class +- 1 min after the set time, Colin says something about sidewalks, Chris forgets to turn on the projector, Sneaky smile from Colin eavesdropping, Colin gives us a break, Colin says "well, you're not wrong", Jacob stays the whole day on wednesday, Clay is in a 8am class, Hope and Liam are in class and are sitting together, Jacob is wearing flip flops or shorts, Camille says folks, Ana or James brightens their computer screen, Lisa opens course outline or moves the due date for an assignment, Get Saitsa popcorn from a silly event, Jay calls Ana Annie, Lisa cant pull down the projector screen, The projector screen falls on Colin, Ian says something about the bank, Someone mentions Pablo or Ian Makay, Door makes ghost noises, Ian sits at the wobbly desk for chem test, The sun blinds someone and the blinds get closed, Microphone on projector doesnt get turned off, Chris cant fix it, Someone spills water/tea on their lab/notebook, Colin's computer makes the doorbell sound, Someone in the hallway makes a animal noise, We play a kahoot, Colin emails us in a class where he is the teacher, The slides that are posted, are not in fact posted, Chris plays music from the year 2000-2023 at the beginning of class, Anyone makes a reference to a movie or show that is related to what we are leaning about, Anyone not included in this chat says whomst, whilst, howst, etc., Chris forgets to print something, Jay asks Andrew a question he thinks is stupid, Ian says "true" and Lian isnt wearing his blue patagonia jacket.

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