
This bingo card has a free space and 48 words: call security, write an IR, community signs off before 3am, security responds to an incident, brian says something about teaching, brian brings a snack, tony says something about drinking, noise complaint upper class, noise complaint freshman, call in cent 1, guest at call, security asks for RA to call them, chapter 90, noise complaint before 10, tony tells drunk story, tony shows up after 11pm, someone falls asleep on duty, CE call, community signs on after 7, hard liquor gets poured out, Tony talks about D&D, Tony talks about last night, Tony isn't in duty tire, know someone at a call, beer/seltzer gets poured out, RA gets yelled out, lockout upper class, doesn't get 10-4'ed, call within first 15 mins, call in cent 2, more than 5 calls, lockout freshman, security recognizes you at call, roommate mediation, HPPD responds, can't hear community over walkie, someone doesn't have their passport, millis lockout, care report, york 4th floor noise complaint, something about jordan is said, student not on duty visits, medical incident, ARD responds to incident, RD on duty is called, off campus call, call within last 15 mins and staff member not on duty visits.

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