This bingo card has a free space and 44 words: Graduating Northwest, Move to Germany, Move to Puerto Rico, Bite Colin's shoulder, Act in a play, Smash a male crab, "here's the deal", Remember your 1st grade teacher's birthday, Public Speaking with an Eyepatch, Wear 8 layers in 78 degrees, Entire wardrobe of nice handmedowns, stall a Subaru on Railroad tracks, Shoot the ground with a shotgun, Make some Parch-aid, Midnight trip to Poland, Train ride to Coppet, Buy a doner outside the gate, Put Gary to sleep with a head massage, Work at the Sample Sale with Debbi, Late night bowl of ice cream, Always smiling, Jumping off the dock roof, Late night Itty Bitty Tagging, Cold German tile, Warm Puerto Rico Tile, Surf lesson in Jobos, Driving in a Montana snow storm, Missionary trip to Brazil, Eating Pan Chocolate in Geneva, Rocking Caden back to sleep, Sitting with Caden in the 'Fireplace', Painting toes with Ani, Getting engaged in San Diego, Almost stranded in Rome, Escaping the Holiday Fire, YMCA Kickboxing instructor, Endless hours painting siding, Writing verses on the floor, Read Quo Vadis twice, Ripping through a hammock, collecting shells on the beach, Coffee with Anneliese, Donna's dog licking your toes and Fresh 4 Fish!.
Caribbean Bingo Scavenger Hunt | Puerto Rico | Did you...? | Caden Bingo! 😤😤 | Julia’s 2025 Bingo
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