KS State Assessment Bing

KS State Assessment Bing Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: 1st Session of ELA completed, Used scratch paper, Got a good nights sleep, Read each question at least twice, 2nd Session of ELA completed, Listened and followed my teachers directions, Encouraged a classmate to do well, Listened or read the directions carefully, Read the reading passages more than once, 1st session of Math completed, Did my very best, Checked over all of my answers, Drew a math model to help figure out a problem, Was on time to school on test days, Focused, 2nd session of math completed, Used scratch paper, Had a good breakfast, Flagged difficult questions and came back to them, Eliminated answers I was sure were wrong, Was quiet and respectful for my classmates, Took my time on all tests, Had positive thoughts and Was present for every testing session.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: Used scratch paper (2)

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