LIB S4 Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Zack makes you cringe, "100%" or "1000%", Irina makes excuses for behavior, Reference to one of the men singing, Marshall is classy and mature, Kwame brings up Chelsea's dog, Jackie behaves like a hoodrat, Chelsea's eyeshadow is unblended, Kwame does his corporate laugh, Reference to "bougie Brett" or him wearing fancy clothes, "Sight unseen" or "emotional connection", Reference to Brett/Marshall bromance, Jackie & ring situation addressed, Chelsea wears something pink, Jackie and Josh kiss onscreen, Jackie says "boss up" or "aggressive", Reference to Tiffany sleeping, Reference to creepy Zack / staring, Couple that did not get married is confirmed to have dated/be dating post-show, Chelsea romanticizing the bare minimum from Kwame, Nick & Vanessa ask a dumbass question, Kwame's phone call/situation with mom addressed, Kwame and Micah flirtation addressed and Someone cries.

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