This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: Jackie pawned the ring, "Bougie", Kwame talks about Seattle vs. Portland, Break up announcement, "Personal growth" post show, Micah is still friends with Shelby, “Is love really blind?”, “Chose to get married Sight Unseen”, Chelsea wearing pink, Paul backs up "nurturing" statement, Paul wearing flannel, Bliss = 2nd choice, Irina has no regrets, Lachey's talk about their own marriage, Josh shows up, Zach's mama was a stripper, Vanessa gets defensive, Marshall defends asking for the ring, Chelsea defends her marriage, Pregnancy reveal, Never before seen footage, Someone mentions Rocky, Reaction to pool scene with tears, Marshall and Brett bromance, Someone walks off the set, Zack addresses singing scene, Bliss's dad discussed, Kwame's family acceptance and Micah says "like" three times in one sentence.
Love is Blind Reunion | Love is Blind Reunion | Love Is Blind Finale | Love is Blind Reunion Bingo! | Love is Blind Reunion Bingo
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