F1 AZERBAIJAN 2023 Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 34 words: Max wins 🐂, Martin Brundle gets blanked by some celebrity on the grid walk, Team double DNF ❌, Fastest lap under 1:45,800, Charles gets his first Baku win 🏆, A rookie in the points, "The land of fire" ðŸ”ĨðŸ‡ĶðŸ‡ŋ, Someone practically touching the wall, Pit-frenzy during VSC/safety car ðŸĪŠ, Safety car!, Spaniard on podium 🇊ðŸ‡ļ, Red flag!, Pits on lap 10 or sooner, At least 4 DNF, Someone crashing at the castle, Ocon in the points #estiebestie ðŸ‡Ŧ🇷, Swearing on team coms, Talk about tyre strategy compared to last season due to different time of year/cooler temp., Time penalty ⏱, Perez on the podium ðŸ‡ēðŸ‡―, Chaos! ðŸ˜ĩ, Someone gets a puncture, Stroll crashes, Ferrari on podium?!? 🏎ðŸ‡ŪðŸ‡đ, Commentator stalls for time, Christian Horner comes on to say something obvious, Shot of Toto Wolf looking stern, Lewis on podium! 🇎🇧, Three wide, Driver wearing ice vest during National anthem, Ferrari cocks up the pit strategy, Max does not win, Trouble at McLaren and Car catches fire ðŸ”Ĩ🏎ðŸ”Ĩ.

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