This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Extreme coincidence, Nightmare sequence, That DEFINITELY killed them, Out of place bat swarm, Goons with unrealistic weaponry, Batman saves a kidnap victim, Robin disobeys orders, Magic? In my batman movie? Its more likely than you think, Wayne family tragedy (again?), Vague threat by a mob boss, Villian saved by Batman, It doesn't work like that, Batman disappears on Gordon, Classic villains butting heads, Wacky villian team up, Unnecessary suit up sequence, Underwater goons, "WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?", Blimp, How did that fit on his belt?, Alfred gaff, Bruce vanishes, Alley confrontation and Batfam moment.
Tour De Pumpkin | 18OI Bingo SAMPLE | Bat Bingo II | Joker 2, Attack of the Jokes | Joker 2, Attack of the Jokes
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