GotG 3 Bingo

GotG 3 Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Action scene broken up by pop culture reference, Rocket Raccoon emotional torment, Peter learns to let go of Gamora while sad song from the 80s play, Christmas special referenced in a tongue-in-cheek way, Groot says more words, Adam Warlock vs. Guardians fight ends because joke, Bestiality joke, Avenger referred to as "the ___ guy/lady", New child/animal sidekick, Kraglin adds nothing to a scene, Peter Quill down bad joke, Rocket dies, Mantis dies, GotG2 post credits scene relevant, Drax dies, Nova teased, Villain motive is based, Randos massacred to a hype song, Secret Invasion teased, Star Lord has a boomer opinion about music, Groot is still a gamer, The otter dies, CGI shot actually looks cool and Guardians make a BFG to shoot the bad guy.

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