This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Make 25 calls in an hour, Demo Booked, We already have a website, How much does it cost?, I'm busy, Not interested, we're good, I don't need any more business, We don't want to replace our POS, Dead Guy, We're in the middle of the lunch rush, I've already seen Popmenu, Call somebody back who hung up on you, The owner is never here, Make 25 calls in an hour, Send me an Email, Language Barrier, I'm about to retire, Demo Booked, Need to talk to my partner, We're established and don't need help, Swearing, Long convo without booking a demo, So what do you do? and Get hung up on.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: Make 25 calls in an hour (2), Demo Booked (2)
Sales Bingo | Sales Bingo | Sales Bingo | Sales Bingo | BKS Cold-Calling BNGO
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