MAYDAY Bingo Card

This bingo card has 15 images, a free space and 59 words: Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, May Flowers, Raffle, The Kentucky Derby (5/6), Always Dreaming, Churchill Downs, May Day (5/1), Pet Photo Contest, Save the Rhinos (5/1), Picnics, Barbeques, Fireworks, Veterans, Salute to the Military, Arlington National Cemetery, Grateful, Long Weekend, National Truffle Day (5/2), National Play the Ukelele Day (5/2), National Specially-Able Pets Day (5/3), National Lumpy Rug Day (5/3), International Respect for Chickens Day (5/4), Hug a Shed and Take a Selfie Day (5/5), National No Pants Day (5/5), International No Diet Day (5/6), Mayday for Mutts (5/7), National Coconut Cream Pie Day (5/8), No Socks Day (5/8), Lost Sock Memorial Day (5/9), National Butterscotch Brownie Day (5/9), One Day Without Shoes (5/10), National Shrimp Day (5/10), National Eat What You Want Day (5/11), Hostess CupCake Day (5/11), National Nutty Fudge Day (5/12), National Limerick Day (5/12), National Dog Mom’s Day (5/13), National Leprechaun Day (5/13), Do Dah Day (5/14), National Dance Like a Chicken Day (5/14), National Chocolate Chip Day (5/15), Learning at Work Week, National Sea Monkey Day (5/16), National Bike To School Day (5/17), I Love Reese's Day (5/18), National Bike to Work Day (5/19), National Rescue Dog Day (5/20), National Talk Like Yoda Day (5/21), Sherlock Holmes Day (5/22), National Drinking with Chickens Day (5/23), Tiara Day (5/24), Geek Pride Day (5/25), National Blueberry Cheesecake Day (5/26), National Grape Popsicle Day (5/27), World Passion Fruit Martini Day (5/28), Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling (5/29), National Mint Julep Day (5/30) and National Flip Flop Day (5/31).

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May Holidays | BBMD May Bingo | BBMD May Bingo | Subtraction Bingo | Let's Practice Our Tables

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.