This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Started class early, Talks about love/God, "My cool job...", Wearing Canton shirt, Banging on wall, Has to turn down music, Didn't tell us about HW, German R sound for double R, Says "good morning/muy buenos" 10 times, Tries to be inspiring, Goofy walk, Calls us "amigos", Already has audio playing and has to close the tab, Talks about AP next year, Karol G/Marc Anthony, Nobody laughs at joke of the day, "Señor... ;)", Says "good morning/muy buenos", Happy Monday, Says "good morning/muy buenos" 5 times, Talks about travel/husband, "Cambiando de tema...", "I wish I could keep you all day" and Says "fabuloso" 5 times.
Chris Sermons | Chris Sermons | Brunch Bingo | ALLEN BINGO | O'Boyle Bingo
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Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.