Growth Mindset Bingo

Growth Mindset Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 26 words: I asked for help to learn something new, I asked for help to learn something new, I tried a new technology or program, I made a mistake but learned from it, Someone encouraged me to keep growing, I listened to feedback without getting defensive, I figured out a better way to do something, I finished an online course or learning module, I took on a challenging new task, I stayed positive through a setback, I tried a new strategy or approach, Someone praised my effort, I set a goal to improve my skills, I embraced a learning opportunity, I received feedback and will apply it, I helped someone else learn or grow, I persevered through a challenge, I contributed a new idea, I pushed myself outside my comfort zone, I corrected a mistake and improved my work, I learned from a failure or difficulty, I asked for clarity to improve my understanding, I tried a new tool or skill at work, I gave helpful feedback to a coworker, I complimented someone's growth mindset and I put in extra effort to improve.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: I asked for help to learn something new (2)

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