This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Z gives a mean side eye, A gets too loud, N says it's too loud, Z tries to say something reasonable, "contradictions", RFW says something stupid, RR blames the BOE, C wishes for an escape, T makes unfunny joke, RR complains about workload, J screws us over by going on vacation, RFW interrupts conversation, RFW has to leave right now, C disassociates from annoying conversation, RFW mansplains something, T on his phone, Meeting finished in ten minutes, RR waves arms like noodleman, Someone gets heated, RR blames the schools, A says "for me...", RFW has too much work, Z laughs inappropriately and T complains about his school.
June 2022 Vacation Bingo | Micha Bingo | Micah Bingo | Day 3 | La
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