This bingo card has a free space and 54 words: Someone Evan/Kami went to High School with, Someone Wearing blue, Someone over the age of 50, Someone you could beat at arm wrestling (they might ask you to prove it), Kami or Evan's brother/sister in law, Someone who went fishing at least once this year, loves to read, Born/raised in Louisiana, Someone NOT related to Evan/Kami, Has brown eyes, Loves spicy food, likes scary movies, Someone you've never met before, it's their first time at this house, Someone who LOVES beer, One of Evan's brothers, has been in a sleepover with Kami/Evan, Someone who has kids, sings in the shower, Has a killer outfit, has had hair past their shoulders, Someone who plays video games, Has been to at least 3 countries, Looks like they like to party, Born outside of LA, Has eaten out instead of cooking X3 this week (no shame), Chugs energy drinks, Has a magnificent beard, Has a great smile, Plays Dungeons and Dragons, Shoots guns on occasion, Has great dance moves, wearing a hat/cap, wearing a dress/skirt, you like their shoes, likes the same sport as you, went to LSU, went to Southeastern, is a teacher, has pets, currently holding a drink, teaches you a new fun fact, knows about BIRDS, seems like a sweetheart, has a firm handshake (shake on it!), wearing jeans, wearing anything purple, someone with a crazy story (ask them about it), someone you can beat at Rock Paper Scissors (DO IT), Someone who played sports in High School, Works in the medical field, Doesn't drink alcohol, over 5'10'' and Someone who can finish the song you start singing!.
Meet Your Classmates! | Brinky's Blue Bash | CCW Ladies Spring Gathering | CCW Ladies Spring Gathering | Human Bingo
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Learn how to conduct a bingo game.
With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.